Hypnotherapy Treatment

The title of this page may be slightly misleading! I use a range of therapeutic approaches including applied psychology, NLP, hypnotherapy, coaching and CBT. My approach is thorough, and my ultimate aim is to help you make a deep, long-lasting positive transformation by changing your thoughts and perceptions.

 I specialise in helping clients overcome anxiety and phobias, and issues related to the menopause. However, as a general practitioner, I can help you with a range of issues. Please contact me if you feel I can be of help.


Do you have a fear of public speaking? Is this an excessive, irrational fear - the kind that leaves your mouth dry and your palms sweaty? If the answer is yes, then you have Glossophobia.

I can help you banish glossophobia for good, leaving you feeling confident and calm every time you're asked to make an introduction in a formal setting, make a presentation or address a packed auditorium.   



Research shows around 75% of the world's population has a fear of public speaking. This may range from disliking the activity to having an intense, irrational fear.

How I can help you

The technique I use for bnishing glossophobia is a two or three-session treatment, using a highly effective applied psychology approach. It does not involve hypnotherapy in the strictest sense of the word. It does involve deep relaxation and your ability to imagine or visualise. Some clients have even described it as a "pleasant experience"!

Freedom from glossophobia can help you achieve the following:

  • make formal introductions confidently
  • ace a job interview and help you get your dteam job
  • address a large or small gathering with confidence and panache
  • be in control of you emotions

Other phobias

A phobia is an excessive, irrational fear, and can be debilitating, even leading to health, financial and relationship problems. If you have glossophobia or any other phobia (eg fear of flying, insects, confined or open spaces to name a few), contact me today. The technique I use for overcoming phobias does not involve exposing you to the cause/source of the phobia. You do not have to attend sessions week after week. Most clients banish their phobia after two or three sessions. 

All I ask of you is to have an open mind and the ability to 'visualise' or imagine.


Unlike other hypnotherapy sessions, treatment of glossophobia and other phobias are 90-minute sessions during which a targeted applied psychology technique is used. Most clients need no more than two sessions. The fee for each session is £150. If two sessions are booked and paid for in advance, the fee is £280.   



Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Most of us have experienced feelings of anxiety at some point in our life. For example, you may feel worried and anxious  before an exam or a job interview. During times like these, feeling anxious can be perfectly normal.

However, some people find it hard to control their worries. Their feelings of anxiety are more constant and can often affect their daily life.

Anxiety is the main symptom of several conditions, including panic disorder, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder and social anxiety disorder (social phobia). A feeling of helplessness or not being in control is one of the main symptoms of anxiety.

How I can help you 

Hypnotherapy helps you relax, giving you control over a potentially anxiety-inducing situation by asking yourself if the cause of the anxiety is real.

Becoming free from anxiety can help you

  • boost your self-confidence and self-esteem
  • enable you to do things you never thought you could
  • vastly improve your quality of life  

Duration: each session ls one-hour long.

Number of sessions: average 4 - 6, but would depend on each individual's requirements.

Fee: £70 per session. Four sessions booked and paid for in advaced: £260. All sessions are by appointment, paid for at the time of booking.



The menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life but has the potential to negatively impact her life physically, emotionally, psychologically and financially. Just when a woman reaches a time in her life when she has the wisdom, knowledge and experience to make a meaningful contribution to the workplace and to society, she is often made to feel like an outsider.

Hypnotherapy and  coaching can help a significant percentage of the female population alleviate some of the physical, emotional and psychological symptoms of the menopause so that they can regain their valued place in society and in the workplace.

How I can help you

Fatigue, hot flushes, insomnia, anxiety, lack of motivation, low self-esteem and confidence, can be side effects of the changes a woman experiences before, during and after the menopause. Hypnotherapy helps you relax, giving you control over a potentially anxiety/panic-inducing situation.  A combination of hypnotherapy and coaching (hypno-coaching) is a powerful tool in helping you feel in control of your life, enabling you to:

  • boost your self-confidence and self-esteem
  • enable you to do things you thought were no longer possible
  • feel like a valued member of staff in the workplace 
  • cherish a new sense of "freedom"

Menopause support in the workplace

I'm passionate about women being supported at work before, during and after the menopause, within the broader remit of workplace health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, this is not the case for a large number of workplaces. Some women may feel they should just 'put up and shut up' and try to carry on as normal. There's the additional anxiety of losing their job if they ask management for help and support.

If you are part of the HR team or someone who would like to see positive change in the workplace and more support being available for menopausal women, please get in touch.

Duration: each session ls one-hour long.

Number of sessions: average 4 - 6, but would depend on each individual's requirements.  

Fee: £70 per session. Four sessions booked and paid for in advaced: £260. All sessions are by appointment, paid for at the time of booking.

Contact: Please use the Contact form or email me. 

I have 27 years' experience as a clinical hypnotherapist, and am registered with the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR).

At present all hypnotherapy sessions are offered online via Skype.

We offer a free 15-minute initial consultation. 

Fee Structure: All hourly appointments are charged at a flat rate of £70. Discounts are available for several sessions booked and paid for in advance. Most treatments require between four and six sessions. Some may require more.

Please Note: Hypnotherapy complements traditional medicine and is never intended to replace it.

"After two hypnotherapy sessions with Reena I overcame my fear of flying. Now I'm able to enjoy holidays with my family and find the experience of flying exciting!" Aisha M 

Contact us for details.